3 New Plugins by Yours Truly

That title couldn’t be worse for my WordPress SEO goals, but it’s late and I don’t care!

Over the last several weeks, I’ve been a busy working on a few little gems that you might find useful.  I certainly do.

I’ve created a new WordPress Plugins page here as a placeholder. Eventually, each plugin will have its own page.  Check them out and let me know what you think.

12 Replies to “3 New Plugins by Yours Truly”

  1. those plugins are *really* powerful nathan. Definitely needs some screenshots and more exposure over the wordpress community. It CAN change the way the themes are being developed.

  2. Nice one Nathan!

    The day right after downloading the redirect-to-child-page plugin, someone asked for exactly that functionality 🙂

  3. I do love. Really 🙂

    Thanks for the great work !

  4. All 3 plugins are plugins I would use. Thanks!

  5. Nathan, the plugins are awesome. I am a hack who customizes your themes at ithemes for small businesses and nonprofits.

    I have always wanted the second and third plugins. I’ve wanted to ask someone how to make that happen in the code. Good news to end the day!

  6. Is the ‘Custom Field Redirect’ plugin the same as Mark Jaquith’s ‘Page Links To’ plugin (http://txfx.net/code/wordpress/page-links-to/)? Sounds like the same thing.

    1. It’s similar, but there are a couple of differences:

      1. Mark’s plugin uses a lot more code than my plugin
      2. My plugin doesn’t just redirect, but actually replaces the URL in the output.

      re: #2 – let me explain. So when a user hovers over the link to that page in the menu, they actually will see the NEW URL instead of seeing the link to your page.

      Does that make sense?

  7. Makes perfect sense Nathan. That’s much better than the 301 redirect IMO. Great work! Cheers!

  8. wuih.. i think U a really jenius.. 🙂

  9. it’s a great work…thank you ..could u help me to make it ?

  10. Nathan, the post template plugin is exactly what I have been looking for – I needed a bespoke post input format. I’m not having much success getting it to work though! I may have misunderstood, but what I have done is copy my existing single.php file and rename it “single-retailers.php”. I then included the code you supplied in the readme/txt file
    “” at the very top of this new file. I then uploaded this file into the active theme directory and the plugin files into the plugin directory (although there is no sign of it in the plugin admin area). I don’t appear to have any new options when opening a new post under edit. I’m not sure what I may have done wrong – but if this makes the post edit page customisable – its perfect for my current project. Can you advise? Many thanks!

  11. I tried the Post Templates plug-in but I am still studying it. I like the idea and I am currently revising my old theme. I think I can make use of this plug-in Nathan. TY!

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